It’s already time to consider returning to school (where, oh where, did the summer go?!). But, before you start on the homework, parent meetings, and meet-the-teacher conferences, why not help your kids and yourself? With some essential oils for kids, you can avoid the back-to-school craziness and get a good start on the school year!
We understand that back-to-school shopping may be hectic, and we want to make sure you have everything on your list checked off before inventory runs out and shelves are bare. So get your school lists out and prepare to stock up on essential oils for kids for another school year.
We are all about wellness for the complete family at Trikuta Oils Jammu, no matter where you go. That’s why our chemists designed our Kids Line, a limited-edition roll-on collection of kid-friendly essential oils. Our Kids Collection roll-ons are all diluted to 2% for a safe, worry-free, and mess-free experience for your little ones.
So, before you set your alarm clock to make sure your kids don’t miss the school bus, buy these back-to-school basics (also known as essential oils) and help them succeed!
Essential Oils for School Success in Children
Counting Sheep
First and foremost, are your children still agitated after homework, electronics, and baseball practise? It’s critical to have a good night’s sleep, so use the floral scent of Counting Sheep to help them do so. Lavender, patchouli, and sandalwood essential oils are combined in a fractionated coconut oil base. After bath time, apply to your children’s feet, chest, or back for a restful night’s sleep in preparation for school the next day.
Our Immunity blend contains frankincense, lemon, cardamom, marjoram, and lavender. This blend was created to prevent students from carrying home stomach illnesses and germs from the classroom. To provide an extra layer of protection, apply this roll-on to your child’s wrist and have them sniff it throughout the day.
It might be difficult for children to sit still during an exam or a classroom lesson. To help students concentrate and stay on target, we use vetiver, frankincense, lavender, and cedarwood in our Concentrate blend. Our Concentrate blend can help keep your kids focused and productive, whether it’s for a final exam or just regular schoolwork.
The flu season can be particularly nasty, with cold and flu germs spreading like clockwork throughout schools. While we may not be able to prevent the common cold, if only! With our Breathe blend, we can assist your child reduce some of the symptoms. Our Breathe Blend contains lemon, cedarwood atlas, frankincense, black pepper, lavender Bulgaria, and Roman chamomile. This mild, citrusy menthol scent aids with sinus opening and breathing support.
Be gone, boo-boos! The Ouchie blend contains mandarin, lavender, foraha, helichrysum, geranium, and fractionated coconut oil. This mixture can help relieve muscle aches and pains as well as soothe stings. So keep Ouchie in your first-aid box or pack it in your suitcase in case your child is scraped or scratches during soccer practise.
There’s even more! With 9 different oils in our Kids Line, you’ll be ready for whatever your child throws at you.
Kids Line Kits
Don’t know which essential oils to use? Why don’t you start a collection? Check out our Kids Line Kits and make sure you’ve covered all of your bases to guarantee your child has a healthy and successful school year. You can pick from not one, but TWO Kids Line Kits, depending on your and your child’s needs. With our Kids Daily Kit of four roll-ons and our Kids Line Complete Kit of nine oils, you can relax all year knowing that your child is safe and healthy. While your child is at school, you can utilise Breathe, Clear Head, or Counting Sheep for some me-time or stress-free sleep.
Back to School Self-Care
Nothing is more frustrating than having a sick child. However, it’s equally vital to remember to take care of yourself so that you can provide your child the finest care and comfort when they’re sick.
We understand that being a parent entails a great deal of responsibility and that there are numerous duties and shoes to fill. For example, you must get up to prepare breakfast for your children, pack lunches, drive or send your children on the bus to school, and even go to work yourself. All of this happened before 9 a.m.! Then school closes, and you have to finish your homework, projects, extracurriculars, and dinner—all before the next day, when you have to start all over again! It’s easy to become overwhelmed, therefore we’d like to assist you in practising self-care and taking care of your health. As a result, you may continue to provide the greatest possible assistance for your children.